Friday, June 6, 2008

Miss Gay Indianapolis Pageant 2008

Greetings, Poppers! Before we get into everything I have to share, can I ask if anyone else is having hair issues? It's just soooo humidity out there, hunnies; makes Halle's hair frizz right up. Frizzy makes Halle sad.

Seeing a bevy of drop-dead-gorgeous, dancing divas vying for a crown, however makes me oooh so happy and that's just who/what I had the pleasure of seeing last night. Accompanied by Aurora Diamond, Summer Clearance and my favorite non-dress-wearing drag queen, FitnessNerd we proceeded to Talbott Street for the Miss Gay Indianapolis Pageant.

There were 7 fabulous gurls all workin it out for that crown! The contestants (and I'll apologize for any misspelled names in advance) were Camilla Merlot, Sable, Lola Palooza, Stella Couture, Veronica Storme, Aurora Michaels and Erica King. I'll say that everyone did a good job with their platform presentations, but the stand out for me was Erica King. She was very composed and seemed passionate about her platform ~ mentoring GLBT youth; snaps, gurl...snaps!! IMNSHO, Stella Couture once again did a faboo job with talent, but the talent award went to Camilla Merlot.

Second alternate was Lola Palooza; first alternate was Camilla Merlot and, presenting your newly crowned Miss Gay Indianapolis 2008-2009, Miss Erica King:

congratulations, gurl! You know I adore you!! *kiss kiss*

I do have to give props to one major stand out of the evening. I've watched her career for the past couple of years and last night she was full en pointe. She was composed during her platform presentation; she maintained a sense of serenity during evening gown and really had it all together for her talent performances. Two snaps for last night's most improved DQ, Miss Veronica Storme:

you'd better work, gurl!! Halle's got her eye on you!

*update* Halle heard that after Miss Gay Indianapolis, one of the contestants was NOT very happy that she didn't place in the pageant. She apparently caused quite a ruckus. Ladies, accept your losses graciously and learn from your experiences. No one likes a bitter queen.

In addition to the 7 contestants last night, there were quite a few legends performing during the judging breaks, including one of my favorites of all time, Miss Caress!! I just get goose-bumps when I see that gurl peform. She's such a class act, I just wish she had more bookings in Indy. Gurl, thank you for many, many years of entertainment! *kiss kiss*

I'd like to say thank you to Asia LaBouche and Holly Luyah for their performances as well as for their emceeing duties at the pageant last night. Y'all are just the best of the best! And Holly, thanks for giving Halle's Happenings a shout from the podium...that was sooo sweet and thoughtful (I still need a head shot, sweetie...hook a gurl up at!). Love ya, sister!! *kiss kiss*

To close out this post, I have a few other candids of contestants, Stella Couture and Aurora Michaels as well as my gurl, Regina Bitch...we need to keep our eyes on this little cayenne pepper...she's muy caliente!!

So that's how the night went at the pageant last night. I swear, these things are addictive. Your gurl's out for now, babies. Extra special spicy snaps to my BFF, FitnessNerd for taking and posting the pictures from last night so quickly

Give yourself a hug from me, Poppers!


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