If you haven't heard, let me be the first to tell you: the Indy Pride Bag Ladies have been working on a calendar for the past few months. The calendar features several of the Bag Ladies and local legends in various "daily activities," from lunching, to banging hair, to laying on Mass Ave(?) and burpin out the first baby of the new year. It's FABulous campy fun and a tremendous way for YOU to give back to the GLBT Community.
The Bag Ladies 2008-2009 Calendar Launch Party will be at Greg's/Our Place on 6/11/08 from 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. The majority of the models in the calendar will be on hand to provide autographs. It's a 15 month calendar that starts October '08 and goes through December '09. The cost of the calendar during Pride Week is $10; after 06/15/08, the cost of the calendar (if there are any left) will be $15.
You can pre-order your copy online at http://www.indyprideinc.com/ with a credit card or by using your PayPal account. The calendars are simply GORGEOUS and will make fanTAStic gifts for your friends, family and co-workers and Halle expects you to have one in your office, your cubicle, on your fridge and in your gym locker.
Wanna peek? Here's the cover shot...
tee-hee. Participating with the Bag Ladies has been awesome...I truly love this organization and appreciate what they do for the GLBT community in Indy and the surrounding areas. Halle hopes to see you at the release party. Until then...keep it spicy, Poppers!
*kiss kiss*
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