Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Feeling sooo much better...
Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day for your gurl Halle. I was on my way into work yesterday morning when I, how do I put this delicately, blew chunks all over my frock and my car. It was sooo not pretty.
I called my boss and explained the sitch to him then drove home where I spent the next 6 hours alternately laying down and running back and forth to hug the loo. With no one to hold my hair, I was a sniveling, vomiting, wretching mass of a mess begging for some intruder to break in and put me out of my misery. Around 3:30, I was finally able to keep down some consomme' and flat Sprite the roomie had in the fridge. It was truly a wonderful way to spend the day. Thank Cher I'm feeling sooo much better today.
I'll be heading downtown for the Pride mixer at Agio this evening. If you haven't been to one, the Indy Pride mixer is a great way to meet some fanTAStic people. They can help you get plugged in to the community and attendance also provides an opportunity for networking. I've only been to a couple of the mixers, but Agio consistently provides a scrumptions selection of apps to enjoy with beer, wine and cocktails. The mixer will be from 6:00 - 8:ish at Agio. Stop by to eat, meet & greet!
I don't have alot planned for this weekend other than work. I'm working at an ice cream social tomorrow and have work-related pool parties on Saturday & Sunday; rough way to make a living, huh? I suppose it beats being stuck in an office or store all day. I'll be going with friends to a late night showing of "The Dark Night" on Saturday. In preparation, I re-watched "Batman Begins" Tuesday.
Halle doesn't watch much TV, but I've become pretty hooked on Shear Genius on Bravo and I was excited to see Project Runway kick off its new season last night. I'll be posting occasionally on these shows. If you haven't seen either of them, check them out! There's tons of drama! Anytime you have shows about fashion designers or hairstylists, you can be sure there will be plenty of homos and catty gals. Fights, tears, breakdowns...it's WONderful! Oh, and the talents of the contestants provide much in the way of inspiration for fashion forward 'mos and drag queens and the girls and gurls who love them!
I had a fun lil evening with Holly Luyah and Stella Couture on Monday. Great to see you gals! ;-)
Going to be somewhat laid back for the next couple of days babies, but be sure to check back for mini-posts.
Have a great week/end, habaneros!
Love ya, mean it.
*kiss kiss*
p.s. Sorry about the gossip teaser the other day. Some of you didn't think it was very nice...I thought it was cute. :-)
Monday, July 14, 2008
National Enquirer ~ Indy Style
Hola, Poppers! WHEW...Halle is glad to have weathered another storm of work-related activity.
I was supposed to go to a party Saturday night, but I was sooo wiped out that I just went home and crashed out on the couch. I slept until around noon:30 Sunday and got myself up and ready to head to the Trump's to hang out by the pool.
While yours truly didn't get involved with any of the rumours circulating around the pool, I did hear quite a few doozies. It's always interesting to me to hear stories about other people...I find even more interesting the reasons those stories are shared. If you'd like to hear about them...

don't look for them here. :-)
Love ya, Poppers!
*kiss kiss*
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It's finally gone...
O Mi GAWD!! I haven't been hungover like that in aaages! Who knew that 5 long islands and a rum & diet would knock me on my flabby butt?
It was a fun night. I went to Olly's to meet Cadillac Barbie to give her some hurr for centerpieces for Friday. Met up with FitnessNerd and in short order started drinking with the Prez and other members of the Indy Pride Board. Apologies to any and all I may have groped and/or offended.
I know I won't have time to post tomorrow due to the Second Coming of Christ (aka the launch of the 3G iPhone) so here are just a few tidbits:
- continued thoughts & prayers to Sequoia Pentecost & Carma Blake
- Finder's-Keepers East @ 8992 East 10th Street...love Love LOVE their ad in The Word: "The nations oldest consignment store (52 years+) Specializing in (but not limited to) Womens plus size clothing, Formal & Evening Wear, Mens clothing, Jewelry, Lingerie and Accessories. Ever-changing inventory and Queens Welcome!" Mon & Sat 10:30-4:00 Tue, Weds & Fri 10:30-6:00 Thur 10:30-7:00.
- Takashi, the one-named sensation from across the sea is in town from Japan this weekend...lock up your tops!
- Movie night at the Trumps...screening of Hairspray. I'm told there will be prizes for best wigs/costumes.
- Erica King, newly crowned Miss Gay Indianapolis 2008 will be performing at Talbott Street Sunday, July 13.
That's it for now, Poppers! Have a loverly evening.
*kiss kiss*
Keep it spicy!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Back in Indy
There's sooo much to do, sooo much to see, sooo much to avoid and sooo much to step over that it's a skosh overwhelming for someone like Halle. After spending a long weekend with family followed almost immediately by not quite 6 days with friends, I think Halle needs some alone time; no offense to either group.
I did have a good time and it was nice to get away from Indy for a minute, but as Dorothy says, "there's no place like home." Those of us who live in Indy are sooo blessed to have what we do. Indy's a beautiful, clean city and people (for the most part) are considerate.
I spent most of the day yesterday catching up on sleep (slept until 1:ish yesterday afternoon) then got up long enough to pay some bills, run some errands, grab a quick cocktail, get my hurr did and do laundry. Gracie, the puss I share with the roommate was muy excited to see me home and she spent as much time as possible on my lap and in my bed. I love that gurl on Prozac!!
Gonna close this one out for now with some pics from my time away including the pic of boy-me with the Queen of all Media, Perez Hilton. Have a great evening, Poppers!!
*kiss kiss*
Friday, July 4, 2008
Halle @ Harrah's
As I mentioned earlier in the week, Halle is with her favoritest people, FitnessNerd, Blanche, Maestro and (Indy)Mom in the Sin City, LAS VEGAS!! So far everything's gone off without a hitch and we're having a pretty good time.
We arrived Wednesday and just sort of wandered around the Strip taking in the sights and doing a little bit of gambling before having dinner at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville. We turned in relatively early to prepare for our big Gay Adventure on Thursday. We got up Thursday morning and headed to a wonderful breakfast buffet at Paris before leaving for more sightseeing. Can I tell you that I just love Love LOVE sausage and bacon? I just aDORE salted breakfast meats. We hit all the big historic hotels along the Strip including The Flamingo, Caesar's and MGM Grand. Now Halle appreciates history and all that rot, but I was ready to do some more gambling. I hit several slot machines, but my absolute FAVorite was one called Tabasco. It's hot Hot HOT because the items on the machine are all sorts of peppers, Poppers! It's a machine just made for Halle! Habaneros, Jalapenos...all hot & spicy!
Thursday afternoon, Blanche, Maestro (Indy)Mom and I decided to ride the Manhattan Express rollercoaster at New York New York. It was fun, not horribly scary or jarring and we got some fun pics on it.
After we left New York2, it was time to head to Paris to pick up our Gay Days welcome packs. It's composed of a cute little red bag that says Paris Las Vegas "gay days & nights las vegas," and is filled with all kinds of information for the weekend. We also picked up our official Gay Days dog tags which allow free entry to Krave tonight and reduced cover charges at some of the other gay haunts in LV.
We went to the kickoff party at Risque in Paris last night. It was $25 to get in with all proceeds going to local HIV/AIDS related charities. It was supposed to allow free cocktails from 10:00 - 12:00 at Risque...I won't say much about the party other than to say it could use some tweaking. Bottom line, however the funds raised were going to a good cause so that's all that should matter.
Last night, your Halle also had the privilege of meeting Perez Hilton. He was gracious when asked to pose for fotos with Blanche and I...I'll give him props: Perez has lost some serious pounds and has a hot Hot HOT boyfriend. Or maybe he was just a "friend" for the evening. Regardless, it was nice to meet him as he's somewhat a personal idol. I think I'm a little nicer than he is, but I appreciate how gregarious he is in his "reporting" on his blog. I'll post pics later.
Tonight we're headed to The Price is Right with some str8 friends from Indy and then heading to Krave for a Gay Days & Nights party. We just got in from the pool and I'm gonna take a little nap before we start getting ready for the evening. Tonight is supposed to be our 24 hours of madness, mayhem, fun and frivolity. Gurl's getting old though, so I don't know if I'll make it through. I'll let you know later. ;-)
Before I take off, I need to report that Sequoia came through her surgery and is doing well. Cadillac Barbie gave me an update last evening. Keep it up, Sequoia! Love ya, doll.
Holly, I see your comments, babe...thanks. ;-) I visited a speciality shop on Wednesday and I'm bringing something special back for you.
Alright, Poppers...that's where we are for now. I want to wish you an awesome 4th of July...celebrate your freedoms, babies. America ain't as bad as some people think.
Love you, babies!
*kiss kiss*
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Viva Las Vegas!!!
Tonight I need to finish packing some essentials, but I'm done for the most part. We're sashaying our way to Greg's for Big Bad Butch Boy Bingo around 8:ish. If you haven't heard, Greg's/Our Place has B5 every Tuesday night from 8:00 - 10:00. It's hosted by Ryan Nix from Step-Up and it's generally a good time. You can win cash and prizes and the coverall pot is nothing to sneeze at most nights. Cards are $1 each or 6 for $5 and there are ALWAYS great drink specials. Sequoia Pentecost will also be there tonight selling Bag Ladies Calendars!! The calendars are still only $10 so get yours before they're all gone!
After we leave Greg's, we're heading to the Metro for cocktails and karaoke. If you don't have anything going on tonight, bring your hott little Popper tushies out for some fun and frivolity as the Mean Girls prepare to take over Vegas!
Hope to see you tonight, but if not keep an eye on the blog for fresh fotos and spicy snippets from LV. I hear that Perez Hilton will be in Vegas Friday...wonder if we'll see him.
Poppers, I'm shutting down for now!
Love you, babies!!
*kiss kiss*