Friday, August 29, 2008
A Night on the Town
It's your gurl Halle saying TCherIF!! I hope you've all had a delicious week and are ready for a luscious 3-day weekend! As for Halle, she and her Handlers will be out and about tonight handing out palm cards and hanging fliers for as well as selling tickets to A Night on the Bayou.
We'll be doing a bar crawl tonight between 9:30 & ?? The tentative schedule has us at Downtown Olly's from 10:00-10:20; Metro from 10:35-10:55; Talbott Street from 11:00-11:45 and Greg's from 11:55 - ?? As a reminder, tickets are $15 and we'll have them on hand tonight. If you see me out, please come up and say hey!!
Naomi Divine has been working on a new dress and new hurr for Halle. I can't WAIT to see them!! Alright that's it for now. Hope to have some new pics to share with you all tomorrow!
Esta noche quiero beber!!
*kiss kiss*
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Meet my fascination...
So I was out and about last night papering the town with fliers about the fishfry. Prepare yourselves, kids...I will be talking about this lil soiree' aLOT for the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to balance it out with some tiny, tasty tidbits to tease and tantalize. Anyhoo...I hit up Cosmos, Metro, Ivy's, Olly's and Varsity last night and tacked up and passed out fliers to any immovable surface and to anyone who'd take them. Just a heads up...Halle and Handlers will be out and about Friday night passing out palm cards and quite possibly selling tickets and Bag Ladies Calendars. We're doing a mini-bar-crawl from 9:30ish til my feet hurt. The plan is to hit Cosmos, Olly's, Ivy's, Metro, Talbott Street and ending up at Greg's. I hope you get to see me!!
Everyone knows that I just aDORE and am fascinated by Holly Luyah (love ya, gurl!!) on the local level {you know, someone I can actually hang out with and touch and get advice from and see on a regular basis}, but here's my national Jackie Beat!

If you've noticed, I have a link to her official website to the right...that's been there since I started this site so if you haven't checked out this hot-ass chica...shame on yo ass!! I just love everything about this gurl! Her glamour, her paint, her overall look, her humour. I could gush for hours! I just get all giggly and tingly when I see articles about her or hear her latest parody. You must Must MUST check out her site, but I'll leave you with a few more pics and at some point, I'll have my personal IT specialist/handler/dj/music-picker-outer FN post a video. Until then, be sure to check out her site!!

Jackie are faboo, fierce, funky & ferosh! Thanks for the inspiration, lady!!
Alright, Poppers...I need to act like I'm working or something. You babies have a fun-filled day! Get out and enjoy the weather if you can. It's GORgeous!!
*kiss kiss*
Monday, August 25, 2008
Check this out...
Have a Hot, Happy Halle-Day!!
*kiss kiss*
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Baby, baby...where did my week go?
Here are just a few of things your gurl has been up to:
- Monday night I ran by Cosmos to find Portia Lynn Van Buren and asked her to perform at A Night on the Bayou. Gurl does some rockin' blues numbers and I'd be remiss to not request her participation...and...she agreed to perform! Yay me!!
- Tuesday night found the Mean Gurls at Metro. It had been a week or so since we'd seen Mom and after her family trip to VA (that's Virginia, not the hospital), she needed some time with her homos. FitnessNerd and I wound up at Greg's (shocking) where we ran into Holly Luyah (HEY, GURL!!) and Audrey Heartburn. Sequoia Pentecost joined us later in the night and we pretty much just boozed it up (shocking).
- Wednesday night I actually stayed home and watched my two most favoritest shows in the whole wide universe: Project Runway and Shear Genius (more on that to follow).
- Thursday night was the monthly Indy Pride Membership Mixer at Agio. Halle is now an official member of Indy Pride! Yay them!! Two snaps and a hair flip to Agio...they provide the yummiest appetizers at the Mixers. I had the privilege of announcing A Night on the Bayou to everyone in attendance. After we left Agio, we sashayed on down to Metro to continue our fellowship (read "drinking"). Yoplait from RockStar Promotions has been selling Bag Ladies Calendars for us. In the past month he has sold 40 calendars at his shows and has actually subsidized the price. The calendars are $10, but he's been selling them for $8 and making up the difference out of pocket. I just love Love LOVE that boy!!
- Friday night my roommate and his cuddly buddly had a mojito party at our place. Lots n'lots of rum was consumed.
- Saturday night was a night of rest. Lawd, your gurl was ti-red!!
Well, that's my wrap up for the week. I know it's not a terribly exciting post, but I just don't have the time to be too terribly creative right now. I pa-ROMISE to have a fun post or two next week. Stay tuned, habaneros!
*kiss kiss*
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Night on the Bayou
I know it's been a minute since I posted, but blame the folks in charge of all things IT, not your gurl Halle.
Now that we have that lil issue resolved, I'm back...for the moment.
I've got some exciting news to share with everyone! I can finally officially tell you about the fundraiser I have coming up! Mark your calendars for Saturday September 20, 2008 for Halle Pino & Friends Present: A Night on the Bayou!! This is a benefit to allow for continued dialogue for the GLBT community center being considered for Indianapolis.
The event is scheduled from 5:30 - 9:30. Tickets for dinner are $15 with a cash bar offering $2 cocktails and beer. Dinner includes fried catfish & chicken strips; hushpuppies; Halle's hot n'hoppin homestyle jambalaya; red beans n'rice; wasabi cole slaw; tossed salad and Nick's "lick-er"-laced cookie balls for dessert...not to mention a heap of Hurricane Jell-o shots in honor of Andrew, Hugo, Katrina & Rita. Proceeds from ticket & bar sales and performer tips will all go towards the community center.
I'm excited about the menu, but I'm even MORE excited about the cast of performers we have lined up for you: Cadillac Barbie, Summer Clearance, Aurora Diamond, Holly Luyah, Stella Couture and yours truly are all confirmed and I'm still in negotiations with a few other local drag and Bag Lady legends, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Tickets are on sale now and will go quickly, so if you want yours, please drop me a line at to get yours now!! It's sure to be a fab, fierce, ferosh & fun fundraiser with friends & family, so please get in on the fun!
Keep it spicy, babies!
*kiss kiss*
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Your gurl Halle survived another trip to North Halsted Market Days in Boystown, Chicago IL.
I saw a few celebrities while I was there:
Britney Spears & Brandy...
My friends and I got to make friends with some flamingos:
Saw two drag legends from Indy:
Montana Melons

And hung out with the riff-raff at Greg's North (aka Side Tracks):
The end.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Deep in the heart of Texas...
My bestest IT geek-pal FitnessNerd outfitted Halle's Happenings with a lil thing called analytics. I admit that I'm technologically challenged when it comes to most things technological, but I think analytics is a pretty nifty thingy-doodle.
What analytics does (do?) is allows Halle to see where all the visitors to Halle's blog are from. So, I have to wonder...what the heck's going on down in Flower Mound, TX?
I've had 74 page views from Flower Mound since Halle's Happenings was launched and I'd just love Love LOVE to hear from some of you!! Holla at Halle!! Drop me a line and say, "hey, y'all!"
I grew up in Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas. The elementary school I went to in Lawton, Oklahoma was actually called Flower Mound Elementary. You're FA-REAKIN' me out!! Please please please, leave a comment or drop me a line at
I look forward to hearin' from y'all!!
*kiss kiss*
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yes, yes...I know...
Before I get too deep into drag droppings, let me set the record str8 on one thing:
Halle Pino is NOT responsible for the recent outbreaks of salmonella reported by the CDC!! You can eat me with absolutely noooo fear. The only thing about me that's contagious is my attitude, poppers!! ;-)
On to sick & sweet sightings. I've had several conversations with some local performers and want to take a few minutes to let you know of what's coming down that feather and fur-lined pike that is drag in Indy.
Let me back up for a minute though...if you read this blog with any regularity, you know I just aDORE Holly Luyah. Sunday, July 27th, Holly worked it OUT at Talbott Street. O Mi GAWD, I was moved Moved MOVED by every performance! I got to spend some time with Holly after the show and gurl admitted she was in the zone. Bette to Babs to Liza? Seriously...three wig changes? Three costume changes? Channelling three Divas? In one number? Holly baby I was either drunk n'dreaming or...YOU KILT IT!! love Love LOVE you!!
I had the pleasure of dining with Naomi Divine and Stella Couture earlier in the week at Scotty's Brew Pub...we had the opportunity to dish & discuss drag and drool over the nasty, naughty northside boys. I think I may have to eat at Scotty's more often. MeOWR!
Stella and I met up with Miss Encompass 2008 Annastacia Demoore recently and she had some tres titillating tidbits to tantalize! If you haven't heard yet, Illusions V(I) has new owners!! According to Annastacia, they're in the process of remodeling (smoke-eaters and ice cold A/C perhaps?) and renaming the bar and are asking for your input. If you have a suggestion for a new name, stop by and drop it in the box they have set up. The remodel is ongoing and they'll maintain their regular hours during the facelift. I'm excited to see the new look, how about you?!?
They still have the familiar faces of Angela Stone, Christina Stone and Aurora Michaels on cast with Gina Thomas and Annastacia herself rounding out the bevy of buxom babes. Get down to 1446 East Washington Street right here in Indy (46201) to check out these ladies and watch as the remodel progresses. I've not had the pleasure of featuring Annastacia before, so here's a pic of the luscious lady:
This will most likely be my only post this week (but be sure to check back just in case) before we head to Chi for North Halsted Market Days, so here are a few events coming up this week/next weekend:
Illusions: 8/6/08 ~ 80's Dance Party...8/8 & 8/9 ~ Special Guest Paula Demora
Talbott Street: 8/8/ & 8/9 ~ Special Guest Desiree Demornay...8/10 ~ Special Guest Samantha Lynn
501 (not drag, but HOT): 8/8 ~ Olympic Stud Night...8/9 ~ Rubber/Latex Night
Get out and do something, babies!!
Congratulations are in order for Aurora Diamond and her fine-azz hubby. They celebrated their 3 year anniversary with a ferosh lil soiree yesterday. Aurora was sportin some sweet ice on her left ring finger courtesy of Steve...that man is destined for sainthood. St. Stephen Aurorae Boreallis. Auspcium mellioris awai...amen. Aurora & Steve have a gorgeous home. (Loved your inner sanctuary, habanero! I'd LOVE to see what "timeless fabric" looks like.) Hoaglin's did a fierce job of catering and it was just a loverly afternoon/evening. *kiss kiss* to the happy couple!

That's it for now, poppers. Halle loves you!! *kiss kiss*