Anyhoo...mark your calendars now for 6/8/08...CIRCLE CITY INPRIDE SKATE '08 at Skateland ( 3902 N. Glen Arm Road. You'll have the chance to meet some of the Naptown Roller Girls (, swap air kisses with some of the Indy Pride Bag Ladies such as Agnes Boudreaux, Aurora Diamond, Ivana Morehead, Summer Clearance and Sydney Shephard AND, get to watch yours truly crown Miss Drag Skate Queen 2008...yes, Halle is passing on her very first crown. Actually, she's keeping her very first crown and getting a new one for the next Drag Skate Queen. She overcame much adversity to win that crown...she's holding on to that piece of nostalgia!
So on May 17, 2008 Halle went to the Miss Gay All Star pageant at Illusions V. There were two contestants, four judges and 16 DQ/TVs in the audience. The pageant was campy fun and Miss Aurora Michaels was crowned Miss Gay All Star 2008. I'm glad to find out that she was alive and well and in a pageant because just a few days before the pageant, Halle saw this:
The poster itself is actually just an innocent "come out and support Aurora," but I'll tell you, when I first saw it hanging on the wall at the Buy N'Bag...I thought Indy was missing a DQ. Doesn't it just scream, "HAVE YOU SEEN ME?" Aurora, doll...Halle loves ya and offers two snaps for your latest title, but seriously, honey...find a new promoter! You scared Halle!
Well, Poppers, Halle's gotta jet for the day, but it wouldn't be a proper post without my latest DQ sighting. Last night at Olly's I saw Indy's own LaDonna. Actually, LaDonna saw Halle and grabbed my arm in one of her talons and yanked me backwards into her jumblies. What can I say about LaDonna? She's consistent. She's faithful. And apparently she's free. Missy told Halle last night that she no longer has court dates or random "drops." Halle's not sure what a "drop" is, but I think it involves urine. LaDonna, burrl...Halle's a fan and has nothing but love (and the occasional dress and maybe a breakfast plate) for you, but do NOT, grab me like that again. I didn't realize it was you at first and Halle's fist almost found your face. *kiss kiss* more note, Poppers. Halle simply MUST send an individual love-filled, extra moist air kiss to another Aurora, Aurora Diamond. Aurora is your reigning Bag Lady Bus Tour Queen 2007. Apparently she didn't notice she was mentioned in the inaugural post of Halle's Happenings and was feeling a little left out...she's so pretty. She has been showing that she's not just another pretty face. That personality she ordered on E-bay has finally arrived. *kiss kiss* Aurora!

All kidding aside, I adore Miss Diamond and look forward to performing with her again very soon.
That's it, Poppers. I hope you have a great weekend!
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