Thursday, September 18, 2008

54 hours and counting

Good morning, Poppers!!

I should of course start off by offering you an apology. It's been a hot Halle minute since my last post and I'm sorry; but mi GAWD, I've been busy!

As you all know, A Night on the Bayou is THIS SATURDAY, like day after tomorrow! Let me run down the list of emotions, feelings and physical maladies I'm experiencing this week: fear, excitement, nausea, ADD, bloating, gratitude, terror, love, thankfulness, OCD, ADD, cramps, humility, apprehension and magenta.

Babies, I'm sure with the help of all the people I have behind-the-scenes, in the wings and center stage that this event is going to be a success, but I'm human and in my human-ness, I worry, stress and panic. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes off without too many hitches. I expect some bumps along the way, but Halle's a bit of a control freak sometimes (not very often, but sometimes) and has high expectations of herself and those around her. More than anything, I want to keep in mind that this IS a fundraiser and at this point ANYthing we bring in over expenses will be a good thing. A VERY good thing.

Let me fill you in on why I'm just a skosh bit goal for attendees (keep in mind, it's just a personal goal) is 250. So far, we have sold maybe 30 tickets. I shudder to think that no one's going to show up, but I also shudder when I think that a boatload of people are just going to show up at The Trump's on Saturday. It's been tough to estimate how much food to prepare since so many people have been non-committal, but we'll rally gaily forward with the purest of heart and intention and trust things will work out.

Habaneros, I hope that you can make it on Saturday. As a reminder, A Night on the Bayou is taking place Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 5:30 to 9:30. The address is 3544 North Central Avenue, Indianapolis IN 46205. Tickets are $15 for all you care to eat fried catfish and chicken strips, jambalaya, red beans & rice and cole slaw. You'll also get to sample FitnessNerd's balls (not as scandalous as it sounds, they're just liquor soaked cookie balls...gutter, your minds...out of!!). Keep in mind the awesome line-up of performers, too: Cadillac Barbie, Summer Clearance, Aurora Diamond, Holly Luyah, Stella Couture, Portial Lynn Van Buren, Rachael Yoder and yours truly. AND be sure to visit Sequoia Pentecost's House of Prophecy to getcher fortune telled!

Kiddos, this will probably be my last post before the weekend. If I don't see you on the bayou, I'll definitely have some pictures for this little blog when I emerge from my coma next week.

Toodles, babies!

*kiss kiss*


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