From what I can see, it looks like it might be a gorgeous day, but I haven't even left the bed so I could be completely wrong.
I may have said this before, but I want to reiterate that I have nothing but respect for all the "ladies" out there who paint, powder and pad themselves up, tape and tuck their twig and danglies, slither into 4-way stretch or tape themselves into barely there sequins and satin, then strap on death-defying, on the brink of collapse, sky-high stilettos...all for OUR entertainment.
I had the pleasure of performing with some very talented individuals this weekend and gurls...I applaud you. Saturday night's benefit for Holly Luyah was a treat and I truly enjoyed being involved. I had my first major malfunction on hair fell off and an accessory exploded, but being the consummate entertainer in training, I Sallied forth. I'm just so proud of our gurl Holly and thank her for asking me to be a part of her show. Beat those bitches down in Dallas, honey!
If you were at the show on Saturday and have any photos you'd like to share, please forward them to I usually have friends with cameras at shows, but they were indisposed of on Saturday. Alana, Veronica, Jazmyn and Britney, it was fun, entertaining and interesting sharing the "stage" and "dressing area" with you and it was a pleasant surprise to see Stella Couture teetering around in some strappies! Thanks to Cosmos for hosting.
I'm happy to report that my gurl Aurora Diamonds took the crown at the Miss Hoosier 250 Pageant Sunday night at Talbott Street. You'll get to see Aurora waving flags at the Hoosier 250 this Sunday, but only if you make it to the race. I went for the first time last year and had an absolute ball. The race is actually being held on Mass Ave and the street between College and Park will be closed off for the event. Put on your sunscreen (or bring your bumblechute) and get ready to tailgate. This is truly the greatest spectacle in racing. And...Metro provides a free cookout after the race! Registration begins at 12:00 and the flag drops at 1:00.

Speaking of Metro, just a reminder that they are now having drag shows on Sunday night. Alana Steele, Holly Luyah, Adessah Reed and I made up the cast this past Sunday. There was a receptive audience there Sunday night and we appreciate you coming out. The regular bevy of beautiful babes will be Alana, Holly and Erica King with special guests joining the tantalizing, talented trio. Show time is at 9:00 Sunday nights.

There are some things I REALLLY want to get off my chest, but I'll not be the antigonist. Some of you know that this wasn't the best of weekends for me and I appreciate your support and well-wishes. One thing I will say, however is that there is an appropriate time and place for everything...yes, even a time for making a complete and utter ass of yourself.
Kisses to Toddles and thanks to Tony for this:
Love yourselves and each other, babies.
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