Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bad Halle...bad...BAD Halle...

Good morning, Poppers! Halle's been sooo sooo busy and her blog is going unattended. This makes me sad!

Just to give you all a wrap-up from the past couple of weeks here's what I've been doing:

Saturday, October 4th I went to Sluts with Nuts at Metro. I planned on just going to watch and support the show, but wound up running drinks, helping Dannon from Rock Star promotions, clearing tables, emptying ashtrays, zipping up dresses and drag handling after the show. It was very a very entertaining show and along with Bitches with Balls and all of the other activities through the year, Team GMCI (Greg's, Metro, Club Indy & English Ivy's) managed to raise over $58000 for this year's AIDS Walk...GO BABIES!!

Sunday, October 5th I participated in the benefit for Alana. It was a fierce show! Great performers and we had a great time on and off the stage. I'm still waiting to hear how Alana did at Miss Gay America. Anyone?

Tuesday, October 7 I met with Tommy from Step UP to pick up supplies for Safer Sex Kits. You've probably seen these cute lil packets at some of Halle's Haunts. I volunteered to put some packets together...if any of you would like to help, please let me know.

Thursday, October 9, Summer Clearance and I met for a cocktail at Metro. Several of the Bag Ladies were there celebrating a milestone with Donna Rhea...Halle's best to you, Donna. We're looking forward to positive results!

Saturday, October 11, I met Summer at Olly's and we proceeded over to University Park where we met with FitnessNerd and Maestro to set up and man the Indy Pride booth for the AIDS Walk. Since Halle injured herself while attempting a semi-high kick at Alana's benefit (which, by the way Summer declared as "fabulous," failure, that is) , I decided to show my support by offering chair massage to event volunteers and walkers. It was a gorgeous day for the Walk, but I was slightly disappointed by the turn-out. Anyone have any ideas on what happened? Was it the change of days? Historically the AIDS Walk has been held on Sunday...was everyone confused? Halle would love your thoughts and feedback.

Sunday was Halle's day of rest before heading right back into the grind on Monday.

Hopefully that helps to explain my absence and you'll forgive your gurl for not being more consistent. Now let's look forward:

Tonight, October 16, 2008 is the Indy Pride Mixer at Agio. If you're not currently a member of Indy Pride, please consider stopping by for apps and cocktails to meet your Indy Pride Board and some members and get some information on Indy Pride's mission and consider your potential involvement.

Saturday, October 17, I'll be running around picking up hair, finding appropriate footwear, trying on my evening gown and outfit for talent and looking at potential props and visuals for...

Sunday, October 18...The Indy Pride Bag Ladies Bus Tour Pageant. The event is being held at Talbott Street. Doors open at 7:00, the pageant begins at 8:00 and I believe that cover is $5. I'm competing for Queen this year, so I'd love Love LOVE to see you in the audience for support. In addition to the pageant, come see performances by some of your favorite Bag Ladies and local performers: Cadillac Barbie, Sequoia Pentecost, Summer Clearance, Holly Luyah, Adessah Reed, Carolina Fox and Amanda Love and in one of her final appearances as your reigning Indy Pride Bag Lady Queen, the Gurl of Glam, Aurora Diamonds.

Habaneros, forgive and keep lovin on your gurl Halle. October is the High Homo Holiday so get out and scare up some fun!

Keep it spicy!

*kiss kiss*


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